East Timor is very unique in terms of culinary, a lot of outside influences received by this new country, especially from Portugal, Indonesia, China and the Arab world that add rich cuisine
When talking about food in East Timor can not be separated with Portuguese food. State ex Portuguese colony to adopt a lot of recipes and how to cook in her foods. Mina Azeite (Olive Oil) is used almost in every cuisine of East Timor, also vinho or red wine.
One of the important dishes are usually served when a party is Caldeirada (Kaldeirada) that stew made of mutton or beef seasoned with tomatoes, red peppers large, salt, pepper, vinegar and beer are usually combined with potatoes and carrots, apart from kalderada can also made with white fish or seafood. There are also so-called Carne Asada.
Carne assada is roasted buffalo meat served with thick sauce and pepper. Sasate or satay made from buffalo meat or pork coated in tamarind water, brown sugar hill home town of Aileu (do not say yes there sugar) eaten with a sauce of vegetables star fruit, salt and pepper. In Viqueque (One One Distrit in Timor Leste) cuisine can be found tukir the mutton pieces are put into a young bamboo mixed with turmeric, and rempah2 then burned, the smell of meat mixed pangang fur is very difficult to forget. Fahi Tunu or pork roll (sorry non-kosher for friends who are Muslim) is also presented as a big party
For Seafood menu is made from Saboko Tuna spiced chili, onion, sour leaves of young and wrapped with palm leaves and baked. Lion fish are made from a variety of marine fish spiced wuluh starfruit (starfruit vegetable) slices and chilli and olive oil and steamed. Do not forget to try suntu tunu the giant squid (about winnowing of small magnitude), which only dibaluri lemon olive oil and then burned, usually to be found in a fresh condition by the fish sellers on the beach.
For carbohydrates, Branca arroz (white rice) is the main food now, but Pao (bun-shaped bread) is also very popular, in every district in Timor Leste has reliable baker-baker who since the early days was filled with prospective buyers. Pao eaten morning with scrambled eggs, bacon or plain with a delicious coffee timor. For lunch and dinner is served as usual Pao dinner rolls, butter, but the difference did not use a little olive oil and some azeitona (olive whole).
Due to the number of Chinese traders from the Portuguese colonial era (especially the connections with Macau) noodles have become a well-known food, usually made Saumi or Fried Noodles with various vegetables and scrambled egg slices and olive oil. For parties of carbohydrates is usually served arooz fugado or tomato rice and Katupas namely diamond cooked with coconut milk. Batar Nurak or corn porridge supplemented with cassava leaves and water spinach enjoyed with fish Maran (dried salted fish) and fried tomato sauce almost the same but without the rice porridge tinotuan
People of East Timor is not so much the vegetable, one that is often consumed is made from tear lettuce lettuce bowls, tomato slices, trim arabie (onions), sliced, red onion slices and agriaun (water lettuce / watercress) are watered with vinnaigrette made from fresh olive oil, pepper and salty derok (orange juice). Also fry the leaves and flowers are often added sliced papaya papaya can be found everywhere in addition to delicious also functions as an anti-malarial natural. Not infrequently East Timorese people eat instant noodle stew with papaya leaf
For drinks, cerveja (beer) drunk everywhere is the famous brand bali hai (Indonesia), Tiger (Singapore) and VB (Australia). Mateus rose wine and Vinho Tinto or served at the event-specific manner, while for the local liquor known as shabu wine that tastes almost the same with drink stamp Menado rats. Sabu Tuak Baucau origin is known good because the addition of cloves, chilies and cinnamon. While Sopi contain a lower alcohol and sweet taste similar to saguer and legend. Do not forget to try the Coffee East origin Ermera coffee plantation, he finds that artificial dili with vacuum packaging of bricks (I've seen in supermarkets in Indonesia), or if you are diligent to Starbucks also sold there.
Chilli timor that type bird's eye chili spiciness is very famous may be likened to scotch bonnet degree of spiciness, usually served with mashed with lemon slices and vegetables star fruit, or added a little balisaun, a type of paste made from small shrimp mixed with salt and crushed dried
In Timor there are no trees / olive oil we use olive oil imported from Portugal and Spain, do not imagine like olive oil that we buy in glass bottles at the supermarket. We used to wear dipacking in cans containing 1 liter. The price is reasonable enough to cook everyday, usually used to stir and fry condiment, but for the nature of deep fried, Bimoli still in use (this is the generic name for coconut oil in Timor Leste).
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